C.M. Berryessa. (Forthcoming). The Role of Moral Panic in Motivating Public Support for Punitive Drug Sentencing. Contemporary Drug Problems. DOI: 10.1177/00914509251326114
I. Polito+ and C.M. Berryessa. (Forthcoming). Politics in Policy: An Experimental Examination of Public Views Regarding Sentence Reductions via Second Chance Mechanisms. Law and Human Behavior. DOI: 10.1037/lhb0000605
C.R. Caliman+ and C.M. Berryessa. (2025). Analyzing the Impacts of Race, Addiction, Drug Type, and Criminal Record on Public Support for Criminalized and Medicalized Sentencing Approaches toward Illegal Drug Use. Journal of Experimental Criminology. DOI: 10.1007/s11292-024-09657-2 Link
M. Millar+, C.M. Berryessa, C. Willis-Esqueda, J.A. Cantone, D. Goldfarb, M. de Vel-Palumbo, A.D. Perillo, T.O. Taylor, and L.T. Becker+. (2024). Essentialism and the Criminal Legal System. Law and Human Behavior. DOI: 10.1037/lhb0000576 Link
M. Thomaidou+, A. Patel+, S. Xie+, and C.M. Berryessa. (2024). Machine Learning Analysis of a National Sample of U.S. Case Law Involving Mental Health Evidence. Journal of Criminal Justice, 94, 102266. Link
M. Thomaidou+ and C.M. Berryessa. (2024). Bio-behavioral Scientific Evidence Alters Judges’ Sentencing Decision-making: A Quantitative Analysis. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 95, 102007. Link
S.S. Xie+ and C.M. Berryessa. (2024). The Effects of a Defendant’s Childhood Physical Abuse on Lay Support for Sentencing: The Moderating Role of Essentialism. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 42(6), 662-683. Link
R. Umbach, N. Henry, G. Beard+, and C.M. Berryessa. (2024). Attitudes Towards and Knowledge of Non-Consensual Synthetic Intimate Imagery in 10 Countries. CHI ‘24: Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: 779. Link
E. Woodhouse, J. Hollingdale, L. Davies, Z. Al-Attar, S. Young, L. Vinter, K. Agyemang, C. Bartlett, C.M. Berryessa, E. Chaplin, Q. Deeley, I. Freckelton, F. Gerry, G. Gudjonsson, K. Maras, M. Mattison, J. McCarthy, R. Mills, P. Misch, D. Murphy, and C. Allely. (2024). Identification and Support of Autistic Individuals within the UK Criminal Justice System: A Practical Approach Based Upon Professional Consensus with Input from Lived Experience. BMC Medicine, 22: 157. Link
A. Azari+ and C.M. Berryessa. (2024). Analyzing Stakeholder Perceptions of the Public Health Emergency Credit Act and Decarceration During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Crime and Justice, 48(1), 113-132. Link
D. Ochterbeck, C.M. Berryessa, and S. Forberger. (2024). Exploring the Perceived Importance of Neuroscientific Research on Addictions in Legal Contexts: A Survey of U.S. Criminal Justice Students and German Legal Professionals. Journal of Criminal Psychology, 14(3), 308-322. Link
D.C. Semenza, C.M. Berryessa, and M. Sierra-Arévalo. (2023). Depictions of Gun Violence Perpetrators and Support for Firearm Policies: An Experimental Survey Analysis of Mental Illness and Criminal Background. Crime & Delinquency. DOI: 10.1177/00111287231207388. Link
C.M. Berryessa. (2023). Examining Remorse in Attributions of Focal Concerns During Sentencing: A Study of Probation Officers. International Journal on Responsibility, 6(1), 1-20. Link
C. Montagnet+, J. Bowling+, A. Azari+, and C.M. Berryessa. (2023). “Worst Experience in My Life”: Conditions of Confinement in Incarcerated Settings During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Criminal Justice Review, 49(2), 267-285. Link
C.M. Berryessa. (2023). Exploring the Impact of Remorse on Recommendations for Sentencing Diversion for Defendants with Psychiatric Diagnoses. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 39(4), 491-512. Link
A. Nair+, C.M. Berryessa, and V. Dubljevic. (2023). A Scoping Review of Ethical Legal and Social Issues in Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia. Canadian Journal of Bioethics, 6(2), 120-132. Link
M.A. Thomaidou+ and C.M. Berryessa. (2023). Mental Illness as a Sentencing Determinant: A Comparative Case Law Analysis Based on a Machine Learning Approach. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 50(7), 976-995. Link
C. Scarpazza, C. Costa, U. Battaglia, C.M. Berryessa, M. Bianchetti, I. Caggiu, O. Devinsky, S. Ferracuti, F. Focquaert, A. Forgione, F. Gilbert, A. Pennati, P. Pietrini, I. Rainero, G. Sartori, R. Swerdlow, and A.S. Ciani. (2023). Acquired Pedophilia: International Delphi-Method-Based Consensus Guidelines. Translational Psychiatry, 13, 11. Link
P. Simonsson, C.M. Berryessa, and P. Solomon. (2023). Violence and Stigma: A Qualitative Exploration of Judicial Perceptions of Defendants with Psychiatric Disorders. Psychology, Crime & Law, 30(9), 1165-1179. Link
C.M. Berryessa. (2023). Therapeutic Approaches to Remorse in Sentencing Recommendations: A Qualitative Study of Probation Officers. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 50(4), 497-520. Link
C.M. Berryessa, I.E. Dror, and B. McCormack. (2022). Prosecuting from the Bench? Examining Potential Sources of Pro-Prosecution Bias in Judges. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 28(1), 1-14. Link
M.A. Thomaidou+ and C.M. Berryessa. (2022). A Jury of Scientists: Formal Education in Biobehavioral Sciences Reduces the Odds of Punitive Criminal Sentencing. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 40(6), 787-817. Link
C.M. Berryessa, C.S. Allely, M. de Vel-Palumbo, and Y. Granot. (2022). Editorial: Social Psychological Process and Effects on the Law. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 990167. Link
C.M. Berryessa, M. Sierra-Arévalo, and D.C. Semenza. (2022). Portrayals of Gun Violence Victimization and Public Support for Firearm Policies: An Experimental Analysis. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 19, 865-890. Link
C.M. Berryessa. (2022). Modeling “Remorse Bias” in Probation Narratives: Examining Social Cognition and Judgments of Implicit Violence During Sentencing. Journal of Social Issues, 78(2), 452-482. Link
C.M. Berryessa and T.W. Wojciechowski. (2022). The Age-Graded Effects of Psychosocial Maturity on Legal Socialization Across the Adolescent Developmental Course in Youth Offenders. Applied Developmental Science, 27(4), 299-319. Link
C.M. Berryessa. (2022). Losing the Lottery of Life: Examining Intuitions of Desert Toward the Socially and Genetically “Unlucky” in Criminal Punishment Contexts. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 40(3), 403-432. Link
M. de Vel-Palumbo and C.M. Berryessa. (2022). When Bad Things Happen to Rotten People: Indifference to Incidental Harms in the Criminal Justice System. Psychology, Crime & Law, 29(8), 795-808. Link
C.M. Berryessa. (2021). Defendants with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Criminal Court: A Judges’ Toolkit. Drexel Law Review, 13(4), 841-868. Link
J. Bowling*+, A. Azari*+, and C.M. Berryessa. (2021). Reentry Challenges During a Pandemic: An Examination of NJ S2519 from the Perspectives of Community Organizers. Federal Probation, 85(2), 10-15. Link
J.R. Silver and C.M. Berryessa. (2021). Remorse, Perceived Offender Immorality, and Lay Sentencing Preferences. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 19, 425–463. Link
C.M. Berryessa. (2021). Public Support for Using “Second Chance” Mechanisms to Reconsider Long-term Prison Sentences for Drug Crimes. Federal Sentencing Reporter, 34(1), 71-79. Link
C.M. Berryessa. (2021). A Dual-Process Approach to Moral Panic and Public Support for Sex Offender Management Policies. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(17–18), NP16700–NP16726. Link
C.M. Berryessa. (2021). A Tale of “Second Chances:” An Experimental Examination of Popular Support for Early Release Mechanisms that Reconsider Long-term Prison Sentences. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 18, 783-824. Link
C.M. Berryessa. (2021). “Second Chance” Mechanisms as a First Step to Ending the War on Drugs. American Journal of Bioethics, 21(4), 54-56. Link
Y. Xu, C.M. Berryessa, M. Dowd+, D. Penta+, and J.D. Coley. (2021). Essentialist Thinking Predicts Culpability and Sentencing Judgments. Psychology, Crime & Law, 28(3), 246-267. Link
C.M. Berryessa. (2021). Developmental and Life Course Criminology in Discretionary Judicial Waivers. Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology, 7, 253-277. Link
C.M. Berryessa. (2020). The Potential Influence of Criminological Rationales in Considering Childhood Abuse as Mitigating to Sentencing. Child Abuse & Neglect, 111, 104818. Link
S. Ling*, J. Kaplan*, and C.M. Berryessa. (2020). The Importance of Forensic Evidence on Decisions of Criminal Guilt. Science & Justice, 61(2), 142–149. Link
C.M. Berryessa and J. Caplan. (2020). Cognitive and Affective Processing of Risk Information: A Survey Experiment on Risk-Based Decision-making related to Crime and Public Safety. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 2222. Link
C.M. Berryessa. (2020). The Effects of Essentialist Attitudes Toward Biosocial Risk Factors for Criminality and Types of Offending on Lay Punishment Support. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 38(4), 355-380. Link
C.M. Berryessa. (2020). Compassionate Release as a “Right” in the Age of COVID-19. American Journal of Bioethics, 20(7), 185-187. Link
C.M. Berryessa and J. Chandler. (2020). The Role of the Defense Attorney in Relation to Biological Interventions as Rehabilitative Strategies. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 59(7), 389-415. Link
C.M. Berryessa*, F. Coppola*, and G. Salvato. (2020). The Potential Effect of Neurobiological Evidence on the Adjudication of Criminal Responsibility of Psychopathic Defendants in Involuntary Manslaughter Cases. Psychology, Crime & Law, 27(2), 140-158. Link
C.M. Berryessa and W. Krenzer. (2020). The Stigma of Addiction and Effects on Community Perceptions of Procedural Justice in Drug Treatment Courts. Journal of Drug Issues, 50(3), 303-328. Link
C.M. Berryessa and J. Reeves+. (2020). The Perceptions of Juvenile Judges Regarding Adolescent Development in Evaluating Juvenile Competency. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 110(3), 551-592. Link
J. Lynch+, J. Lane, C.M. Berryessa, and J. Rottman. (2019). How Information about Perpetrators’ Nature and Nurture Influences Assessments of their Character, Mental States, and Deserved Punishment. PLOS ONE, 14(10), e0224093. Link
C.M. Berryessa and C. Lively. (2019). When a Sex Offender Wins the Lottery: Social and Legal Punitiveness Toward Sex Offenders in an Instance of Perceived Injustice. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 25(3), 181-195. Link
C.M. Berryessa and T. Goodspeed. (2019). The Brain of Dexter Morgan: The Science of Psychopathy in Showtime’s Season 8 of Dexter. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 44(6), 962-978. Link
C.M. Berryessa. (2019). Judicial Stereotyping Associated with Genetic Essentialist Biases Toward Mental Disorders and Potential Negative Effects on Sentencing. Law & Society Review, 53(1), 202-238. Link
C.M. Berryessa and B. Wohlstetter+. (2018). The Psychopathic “Label” and Effects on Punishment Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis. Law and Human Behavior, 43(1), 9-25. Link
C.M. Berryessa. (2018). Potential Impact of Research on Adolescent Development on Juvenile Judge Decision-making and Sentencing. Juvenile and Family Court Journal, 69(3), 19-38. Link
C.M. Berryessa. (2018). The Effects of Psychiatric and “Biological” Labels on Lay Sentencing and Punishment Decisions. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 14(2), 241-256. Link
C.M. Berryessa. (2017). U.S. Public Views Toward Biosocial Risk Factors for Criminality: A Brief Report. Journal of Criminological Research, Policy and Practice, 3(4), 294-299. Link
C.M. Berryessa. (2017). Jury-eligible Public Attitudes Toward Biological Risk Factors for Criminal Behavior and Implications for Capital Sentencing. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 44(8), 1073-1100. Link
C.M. Berryessa. (2017). Educator of the Court: The Role of the Expert Witness in Cases Involving Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Psychology, Crime & Law, 23(6), 575-600. Link
C.M. Berryessa. (2017). Attention, Reward, and Inhibition: Symptomatic Features of ADHD and Issues for Offenders in the Criminal Justice System. ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders, 9(1), 5-10. Link
C.M. Berryessa. (2016). Extralegal Punishment Factors and Judges’ Normative Judgments of Moral Responsibility of bvFTD Patients. AJOB Neuroscience, 7(4), 218-219. Link
O. Choi, C.M. Berryessa, and A. Raine. (2016). The Ethics of Biological Interventions on Psychopathic Prisoners. AJOB Neuroscience, 7(3), 154-156. Link
C.M. Berryessa, J.A. Chandler, and P. Reiner. (2016). Public Attitudes Towards Legally Coerced Biological Treatments of Criminals. Journal of Law and the Biosciences, 3(3), 447-467. Link
C.M. Berryessa. (2016). Genetic Essentialist Biases, Stigma, and Lack of Mitigating Impact on Punishment Decisions. Journal of Law and the Biosciences, 3(2), 359-364. Link
C.M. Berryessa. (2016). Brief Report: Judicial Attitudes Regarding Sentencing of Offenders with High Functioning Autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46(8), 2770-2773. Link
C.M. Berryessa. (2016). Judges’ Views on Evidence of Genetic Contributions to Mental Disorders in Court. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 27(4), 586-600. Link
C.M. Berryessa. (2016). Behavioral and Neural Impairments of Frontotemporal Dementia: Potential Implications for Criminal Responsibility and Sentencing. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 46, 1-6. Link
C.M. Berryessa, L.C. Milner, N.A. Garrison, and M.K. Cho. (2015). Impact of Expert Information on Potential Jurors in Evaluating High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder (hfASD). Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 8(3-4), 140-67. Link
R. Umbach*, C.M. Berryessa*, and A. Raine. (2015). Brain Imaging Research on Psychopathy: Implications for Punishment, Prediction, and Treatment in Youth and Adults. Journal of Criminal Justice, 43(4), 295-306. Link
C.M. Berryessa. (2014). Potential Implications of Research on Genetic or Heritable Contributions to Pedophilia for the Objectives of Criminal Law. Recent Advances in DNA & Gene Sequences, 8(2), 65-77. Link
C.M. Berryessa. (2014). Judiciary Views on Criminal Behaviour and Intention of Offenders with High-Functioning Autism. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour, 5(2), 97-106. Link
C.M. Berryessa. (2014). Judicial Perceptions of Media Portrayals of Offenders with High Functioning Autistic Spectrum Disorders. International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 3, 45-60. Link
C.M. Berryessa, N. Martinez-Martin, and M. Allyse. (2013). Ethical, Legal and Social Issues Surrounding Research on Genetic Contributions to Anti-Social Behavior. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 18(6), 605-610. Link
C.M. Berryessa and M.K. Cho. (2013). Ethical, Legal, Social, and Policy Implications of Behavioral Genetics. Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics, 14, 515-534. Link
C.M. Berryessa. (2022). Book Review of “Autopsy of a Crime Lab” by Brandon L. Garrett. Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Books. Link
D. Ariturk+ and C.M. Berryessa. (2020). “‘A Rut in the Brain:’ Neuroessentialism among Sex Offender Treatment Providers” - Selected Abstracts From the 2019 International Neuroethics Society Annual Meeting. AJOB Neuroscience, 11(4), W1-W15. Link
C.M. Berryessa. (2019). Why Judges Need to Understand the “Developing Brain” for Juvenile Sentencing. Scholars Strategy Network Key Findings Research Briefs. Link
P. Cooper, C.M. Berryessa, and C. Allely. (2016). Understanding What The Defendant With Asperger’s Syndrome Understood: Effective Use Of Expert Evidence To Inform Jurors And Judges. Criminal Law & Justice, 180(44), 792-794. Link
* Indicates Co-First Authorship/Equal Contributions
+ Indicates Student/Trainee